Youth Injustice

Photo Credit: Richard Ross (PBS News)

This compelling series of articles reveal the history of abuse and controversies that have plagued the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) and county detention centers.

Effective Alternatives to Youth Incarceration Report from The Sentencing Project, June 2023

The Sentencing Project Youth Justice By The Numbers, May 2023 

Hogg Foundation for Mental Health Overview and Data of TJJD, 2020

KXAN reports that at juvenile detention centers in Texas, youth are forced to live in conditions advocates are calling “appalling.”  

The Texas Tribune-Most recent articles about the current abuse and neglect.

The Justice Department announcement that it opened a statewide investigation into the conditions in the five secure juvenile correctional facilities run by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department.  

The Washington Post For more than a century, Texas youth prisons have fostered abuse.

KUT Professor says allegations of abuse are nothing new in Texas juvenile detention system.

Who Gets a Childhood? Race and Juvenile Justice in Twentieth-Century Texas by William S. Bush.